progeCAD 2016 Professional EN
We are excited to announce the most eagerly awaited new release of the company’s main product, progeCAD 2016 Professional, a 2D/3D DWG/DXF-native CAD platform fully compatible with AutoCAD® and other CAD programs supporting DWG/DXF file formats.
progeCAD 2016 Professional, the software for advanced technical drawing acknowledged by the CAD professionals in need of the DWG environment, offers in its new edition DWG compatibility with AutoCAD® DWG files versions up to 2016. Thanks to Cloud technology integrated with progeCAD 2016, the level of collaboration and data sharing has been dramatically enhanced. The Cloud integration allows the CAD operator to save and open drawings on a Cloud station enabling access to projects literally from everywhere you want and to anyone you need to design, view and revise. The new version is also showcasing the Dynamic input feature as an alternative way to specify coordinates in the drawing area and a rethink of GUI, inviting Users to assess the interface new graphics, welcoming colours and by far more user-friendly and appealing look-and-feel. The user interface by all means remains familiar containing all the drawing and editing commands and tools of the industry standard CAD software. Then there are the scores of fixes of the former listed bugs and glitches like solid extrusion, zoom, ortho and object snaps just to name a few which are to gratify the User of the 2016 release.
progeCAD 2016 Professional new features:
progeCAD Cloud
Save and open drawings on Cloud! progeCAD Cloud makes it easy for you to reach any of your drawings wherever you are. What is more, it is an optimal way of sharing drawings with your team and customers. progeCAD Cloud supports the major cloud services for file sharing and syncing like DropBox, Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive.
Dynamic Input
Dynamic Input is an alternative way of entering commands through a command line interface at your Crosshair. You can input data like the length of a line or the radius of a circle with dynamic visualization of changes relative to mouse movements. When dynamic input is turned on, a tooltip displays dynamically updated information next to the cursor. When a command is in progress, you can specify options and values in the tooltip text box. You can also configure dynamic input to meet your personal or company standards. The feature is to further boost your productivity by making drafting and editing processes way more efficient.
Dynamic UCS
The previous progeCAD versions constrained the drafter to constantly change the XY plane to work on a particular face or plane of an object when working with 3D models. You had to specify a new user coordinate system every time you changed views. The new dynamic UCS feature automatically creates a temporary XY plane to draw on. The dynamic UCS feature dramatically speeds up drawing in 3D environment.
Advanced Solid Grips
By dragging grips you can change the shape and size of primitive solids. For example, the change of the height of a cone will maintain the overall cone shape and automatically update the base radius. The Solid Grips feature is introduced to enrich 3D editing operations.
3D Ortho
Alongside the classic X,Y Ortho snap modes restricting cursor movement to horizontal and vertical, the program now also provides the Z Ortho mode restricting the cursor to the up and down directions.
Annotative Objects
The feature automates the sizing of annotations such as text, hatch and dimensions in multiple viewports with varying scales. The annotative objects are scaled based on the current annotation scale setting and are automatically displayed at the correct size. The following objects can be annotative, meaning that they can size automatically:
- Text (single-line text)
- Mtext (multi-line text)
- Dimensions
- Tolerances
- Hatches
- Blocks
- Block attributes
Drawing Fields
The Field tool automates the insertion of titleblock text or any other annotations in a drawing. If you insert titleblock text in your drawings, you know how it is difficult to keep that text updated and accurate. There are also many people who place drawing numbers or names in several different places in a drawing and that inflicts extra work. With progeCAD 2016, you can use fields to automate the insertion of titleblock text or other annotations in a drawing. Especially, if you use this text repeatedly, you can save time and improve accuracy. It is surely the case when you have to do with the current date, the drafter’s initials, the company name and address and so on.
Arc Aligned Text
The ARCTEXT command enables text alignment along an existing arc object. It is a very handy feature to add complex curved text in your drawings.
The command creates a breakline, a polyline including a breakline symbol, by specifying two points and the location of the breakline symbol between them. You can control the relative size and appearance of the breakline symbol and the extension of the polyline beyond the selected start and end points.
PDF/A Print
progeCAD 2016 can create PDF files compliant with the PDF/A Standard. The PDF/A file format is often a requisite for official institutions and public administrations. The PDF/A file format is an ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for the digital preservation of electronic documents. PDF/A differs from PDF by prohibiting features ill-suited to long-term archiving, such as font linking (as opposed to font embedding).
Change Space command
It is quite easy to move entities from Model Space to Paper Space or the other way round with the help of the CHSPACE command. Let’s say that you add some text in your drawing, but then decide that the text should really be in a Notes box in your title block. The CHSPACE command will do that just in a second. The command actually does more than just move or copy selected entities, it also scales entities by the viewport scale so they come out in the correct size.
Draw Order advanced tools
The new toolbar allows an advanced control of draw order of CAD entities making your check on the drawing arrangement more accurate and efficient.
Autocomplete command mode
Entering a command or system variable you are assisted by a list or auto completion of the commands and system variables as they are being typed. A must-have for CAD professionals who are fond of typing commands directly on their keyboards instead of using Menus or Toolbars.